Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008 in the Evening

Is tomorrow Monday? We have been on cloud 9 this weekend after getting to hold Zander everyday since Friday. Today was Christie's turn and Zander's nurse, Dallas, allowed her to hold Zander away from the bed in the rocking chair. It took some work to get all the tubes and monitors lowered so Christie could sit with him away from the bed, but Dallas and all the NICU team go the extra mile for the Zman and us.
Christie was able to hold Zander for about an hour. He was feed in her arms (through the g-tube) and he rested quietly in his mother's arms. He did not rest as well in her arms as he did in mine (just kidding), but it was nice to see Christie smiling with our son close to her.
Zander's feedings have been increased to 40 ml every 3 hours. He is rarely taking pain medication at this point (once maybe twice every 24 hours) and he is no longer on the Adavan (sedative). We were told that Dr. Kelley will be in tomorrow. He will likely take a look at the traction suture issue. We are thinking he may want to perform surgery this week to see how things are progressing and/or reattach the sutures if, in fact they have let go.
We hope everyone is well rested and gearing up for another week of work. For those of you that are retired, I hope you keep the ball in the short grass and avoid the sand traps.
I will write again tomorrow evening, if not sooner. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and comments. Christie and I are uplifted with each comment and we greatly feel the power of prayer working for us and Zander. God bless each of you this week.
Good night boys.....We love each of you.


Anonymous said...

I am so Happy that mom and dad got a chance to hole ZMAN. I know how great that must have felt.I am glad all is doing well. I will continue to pray for ZMAN and his family. Please pray fro Dylan as he under goes surgery Wednesday morning.
Tiffany and Dylan

Anonymous said...

He gets more beautiful everyday! God is good and it is evident in your words this morning that you can see that. I am thankful that He is showing you how to enjoy the small stuff thru all this!

You are loved!

Julie Davis

Unknown said...

I know that you all must be thrilled with all this progress. I'll bet it won't be much longer and the Zman will be able to go home. All that holding seems to speed up the progression. I know it did for us. Those pictures of you and Christie with him are priceless. Thanks for sharing them with us. This blog idea is really, really nice. Love, Cele and family

Unknown said...

We're so happy for you finally getting some skin-to-skin time with the ZMan. Looking forward to hearing what the surgeon has to say. Prayers from everywhere continue to come your way.
Aunt Heidi and family

Anonymous said...

In 1 Chronicles 16:11, David encourages us to "Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done." So, today my prayer for your family is that in looking to the Lord you will find fresh insight into His wonders and renewed strength for these challenging days.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to pull your blog up and see your photos! I'm running behind today because I had to report for jury duty - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

Pamela McMahan