Good evening all! We have had a hectic, but busy day. Houston had orientation/registration this evening at the new SMMHS. Wow! They would not have spent this kind of money on any school that I went to (for good reason). It is a beautiful building in a picturesque setting. Houston is excited that he has a locker with a real combination on it. We are taking bets as to when he will have to ask his Mom for the combination.
Christie is returning to school tomorrow. The teachers report tomorrow and have in service for the next 8 or 10 days. After much prayer, both she and I feel it is a better course for her to return to school at this point and then take leave when Zander comes home from the hospital.
Jackson is also doing well and he and Houston went with Christie to see Zander late this afternoon.
As far as Zander is concerned, he continues to progress well. His feedings have been increased to 30 ml every 3 hours. Earlier today there was some concern that his traction sutures "let loose"; however, the surgeon on call said that they were still in place. The traction sutures are the sutures that are pulling the proximal esophagus down into the chest cavity from the throat. Whew! Good news...yes.
Zander is resting comfortable and his airflow from the trach was turned down today. He barely has any air going into the trach and he is breathing on his own through the trach for the most part. As the picture above indicates, he has such a gentle spirit and he is smiling more and more. We still have not been able to hold him, but we are keeping our fingers crossed for this weekend.
We love the comments and are thankful to everyone for the prayers! We hope everyone has a great Friday.
I will write again tomorrow evening. Sweet dreams Zander....we love and miss you.