Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008 in the Evening

Good evening all. Not a lot going on here tonight. Over the weekend, Houston, Jackson and I raked the leaves from the yard and it looks 200% better. We will have to do it again in the coming weeks since all the leaves are not off the trees, but it will make it a lot easier. The boys really worked hard at helping out. Jackson is asking for his two front teeth for Christmas as he has lost them both within the past 2 weeks. Christie is downstairs grading papers and the boys are in their rooms watching TV and playing on the computer. Not much really going on here tonight. We are all headed back to work and school in the morning. It is quiet and still difficult around here. They miss their brother and we miss him as well. We hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving and we prayer for traveling mercies for those that are traveling. Please keep Raymond, Ethan and us in your prayers. Thank you as always for your prayers, comments and encouraging words. Sleep well too Zander. We love all three of you. Mommy and Clancy