Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Good morning all. It has been a while since I last posted and I am sorry for the delay. It is difficult to explain my hesitancy in writing, but everywhere Christie and I turn at this point and taking into account the holiday season, reminders of Zander are present. It is not fun and I do not wish it on anyone; however, we are hanging in there. Houston and Jackson are doing well and growing with anticipation concerning Christmas. We put up the Christmas tree this weekend and Zander's ornaments are on the tree with the boys'. He is with us...we know it, but selfishly, we wish here were here physically with us. Please keep Ethan, Raymond Powell and Dr. Swingle in your prayers. At last report all are doing well, but prayer is still needed for them. Dr. Swingle is back in Arkansas for another round of treatment and strength through the journey is needed for him. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and love during this time. We still need it. We know God is with us, but it is difficult to see at times. God led us here and he will lead us out in His way and on His time. Keep moving along boys. We love all three of you. Clancy