Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008 in the Late Morning

Like the Olympics, I am now using a 12 hour delay (at least for today). Sorry I did not post last night. It was catch-up and clean-up day around the house. Grandma Sandy (Covert) also flew in from Florida and we spent a considerable amount of time with Zander yesterday afternoon and last night.
Zander is doing well. His feedings have doubled to 30 ml every 3 hours. Dr. Kelley increased the feedings after the Zman did well on 15 ml. He was fussy at times when we saw him, but it can only be due to the pain on the inside. He is breathing well and the CPAP has been turned down to where he is breathing on his own for the most part. Zander now weighs just over 9 pounds. He is all muscle, just like his Dad (he he). He is resting well for th emost part and he is still receiving pain meds every 2 hours and sedatives every 4 hours, I think.
Zander's next door neighbor, Ethan (the baby next to him) is not doing well. Ethan has a twin brother who is at home, but we are fearful that Ethan is not going to make it. His parents are a sweet young couple and we pray for healing for Ethan and his family and would appreciate it, if you would keep this family and baby in your prayers.
I will write again later tonight. I hope everyone has a restful Sunday. We are going to see the Zman this afternoon. For those that are golfing, keep it in the short grass. Thanks for all the comments and prayers.
See you soon.


Alda said...

Great family photo! We will all pray for Zman's neighbor Ethan and hopefully they will grow up to be friends for years to come. Enjoy your company and your weekend.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family photo!! I smiled when I saw it.

I will be praying for Ethan and his family. I pray that God will touch him and impart strength and healing.

God Bless,
Janet Tilley
Hall & Associates

Maddie said...

You have a beautiful family! We are praying for your little man and will pray for Ethan too.
Eric and Tammy Hildebrand

Anonymous said...

Ya'll look great. I am glad that Christie's mom got to come up. Everyone needs their mommy from time to time. I will be praying for baby Ethan.
Much love and BIG hugs

Anonymous said...

Zander, "Did you use to be a boxer?" {inside joke} Cause you sure are a FIGHTER! Love, Aunt Jackie & Uncle Bob