Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008 in the afternoon

Hey guys. I just got back from spending some time with Zander alone. He is doing well. They are going to repeat a few x-rays and blood tests. He laid there and stared at me for about 15 seconds about three times and it made me melt. He is still on the ventilator and will likely be on it for a few more days since they are seeing moisture in the lungs. His swelling is going down and that is a good sign. The neonatologist will be giving him a good examination later today so I will be able to give you more information in a little while.
God Bless...Clancy


Anonymous said...

He's a beautiful little sweetheart, Clancy. Will continue to pray for you, Christie and all three of your boys. All is well in God's hands.


Unknown said...

Well Susan is on her way with the watermelon for you and Christie. Maybe you can taste a little sunshine.Tell Zander to keep up the good work. He is very beautiful.Have a good weekend.


Melissa Hodgen said...

Zander is so lucky to have parents like you two. We constantly think of you guys and can't wait to see you handsome new addition. Thank you for the updates.

Anonymous said...

We are checking the blog when we are in our prayers. He is beautiful!
Heidi and Cathy and family

Anonymous said...

Hello, This is John-Frank. Houston showed me this site, and I just wanted to speak for my family and say that we are really glad he's getting better.

PS: Zander, Great Name!

Best Wishes,
The Strengths